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William Letter 9-1-1869

Placerville, Idaho Territory
Wednesday, September 1, 1869


My Dear Father & Mother,


I have your photographs your (letter) I (   ) some time ago.  The Tin Can sent by express friend Haslam kept it for some time so as to be sure of no mistake.  I am well pleased with them think they are very (natural) of (   ) some of them I would not know but they are just a (   ) to me as though I could recognize every feature.  I think your own are very life like.  Uncle Rightious & Aunt Fanny god bless them how I would like to see them the balance of the family (James, Jane) is really the only one that I can trace in features.  I (am) (  )  & Betty I imagine I can see a little trace but it is enough to know that they are all my cousins & I like them all & hope (   ) be able to prove it some of these days.  Let me know how many of them are married


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_________ much obliged to (Elijalim) for her _________ (    ) & will return her one of ours _________ (Jane) looks (gay) I think she has grown _________ (John) & wife are calculated to make _________ (    ) of there photographs don’t (flatter) _________ but Thomas he is the boy (if) he is as good as he looks.  I am proud of him. I got a letter from Father Potts the other day Him & mother I suppose have been to see you before this.  I wrote Brother James the other day and sent him some money which I hope he got.  He will (app   ) you of the (contents).  We are well.  Our little boy is doing well.  We have very little to do but play with him as the cattle market is very (dull).  I shall have (nothing) but cattle now.  I sold my farm last spring and bought my partner part of the cattle so I am going in alone.  If I have as good luck this winter as I have (her____) I am all right, but I have (moved) them all at (stake) but it is all right _____ bound to make money at least


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I always think so (if) that is so_________ consolation.  I have been thinking ______ fifteen years but been (   ) for fifteen times I will now close__________ I can assure you it is a (hard)__________ for me to (    ) I am fit for (    ) but riding sound in the mountains (    ) cattle now a days.  I wish you could see me and my wife with our little son start (of) from the house as we frequently do.  Me (    ) the (    ) (    ) of us a house back going five or six miles in the hills to see some of the (flock) she gets tired staying at home all the time so I have to take her along.  She is a very good horseback rider.  I will now close & may god bless you all (  ).


Remember your affectionate Son & daughter,
William Kirkman


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