William Letter 8-2-1853
South Boston
Tuesday, August 2, 1853
Dear Parents
I arrived here April 19th after spending 42 days on the ( ) no doubt you will have expected a letter before now but I have been rather uncertain as to where I should settle. I have been out west about 160 miles. Nuttall is there now. I. Sherwood is down east about 140 miles. I am in Boston. I. Sherwood was with me 3 days last week. He has engaged with a man to assist in starting some looms. I left Bilsborrow to come to Boston to work in ( ) logwood shop but it was so dirty I left it though I had 25 English Phillips for ten hours. I could have 25 Phillips in the same mill I was at but (they) work 13 hours to the day. I. Sherwood will go there when he gets through with the man he engaged (with). I am at work in a file cutting establishment. I am to have the first block that is vacant if I wish to go prentice for ( ) year. But I have a better chance I intend to go to learn the (machine) ( ) with more wage. I expect four dollars per week at the (machine) business. It (would) be rather ( ) to learn file cutting (they) all work ten hours. Board is very high. I have paid (5) dollars ever since I came to Boston. The (machine) shop is in Edgeworth 4 miles from Boston. Board is 20 dollars 75 cents equal to ( ) It is different in the (country) where the mills are it is (2) dollars per week. I am in good health and love the country ( ) very well and I think I can get along. Wages are better here than at home. ( ) ( ) and cloaths are higher here. I have ( ) vests sold from the cloath we (fetched) with us for 15 (shilling) (English) other ( ) are the same in (proportions) this country ( ) remarkable for fine ( ) the girls got to mill in (vales)
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and parasols. The men wear cloath ________ drink (nep) is (detested). I think I can get along very well. I am ( ) I cannot give you more (particulars) at (present). We have sold all our cloath with the exception of 9 yards. ( ) (if) we have sold we paid no duty I am writing a letter to Mr. Nuttall. Wish you will (get) to see (probably) I ask ( ) it to us ( ) James for him to read it. I will write to (you) in two months from this date. Give my love to all ( ) ( ) Uncles ___________ tell Brother Joseph give my love ( ) intimate friends.
Yours truly William Kirkman
Direct to Mr. James Doughty
In care of (Lewis) Jones ___
No.9 Union Street Boston