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William Letter 1-9-1870

Idaho City
Sunday, January 9, 1870


Dear Father & Mother,


By the grace of God I am again permitted to write you a few lines.  Since I last wrote you, it has pleased the Almighty to take our youngest Son to himself.  He was a fine baby child of five months & ten days.  He died of affection of the brain.  His suffering was extremely painful.  We have all been sick pretty much all summer of (fever & apnea) a very prevalent disease in these parts.  Our little boy (I) suffered several & though quite well for the last two months.  Looks very (puny). We are all well however & in our (winter) good spirits.


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We are in our winter quarters for you must know that we keep our cattle in the mountains in summer & have to go (   ) the valleys in winter on account of snows.  There is a kind of (herb) called (Whise-Sage) that cattle eat.  It is being (nutrients) & grows some 20 inches high. Giving stock a good chance in case of snow.  Our stock looks well & I think we shall have a mild winter a very important matter with us. Stock men (some) years ago Myself & two partners lost over five thousand dollars worth  of stock on account of hard winter.  At that time the (Whise Sage) was ________ to us or (we) would not have lost (even) (thousand) (    ).  I received a


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letter from Bro Joseph last July for which I was much pleased.  I have answered it today.  I would say that it is a (mistaken) (    ) in reference to Bro James.  He has (said-paid) (naught) that could (    ) me against you or yours in (    ).  He said nothing further than that you did not (patron) him to the extent you (  ) a (matter) of no importance (to) me & experience will soon teach him to pay no attention to such little matters.  Joseph says you was astonished that I had not mentioned you in Bro James letter.  I  think I wrote you a letter about the same time. You will find all (right) by time you can rest (assured).  As long as I (have) (   ) (    )


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you will always have some thing write mea good (plain) letter as soon as you get this. I am a little (    ) about (writing) but I am (    ) for different to you.  I have a (many) things to occupy my attention & divert my mind Changes are (nothing) here.  I have a buggy & a span of horses.  I (put) my family  in & drive 35 miles to my new residence which consists of a log cabin.  Here I  stay for two months or a  month just as it may happen & yet we are comfortable live of the best in the land. In fact without boast, there is not a family in (Rams    ) eats better things than we do.  No sleeps on a better bed.  We (ought) to & do enjoy our selves.  Though we (roam) like the (gypsy).  My (love) (to) the ( olfenden) Family.  Bro John & Thomas Aunt Duckworth & Family.  Aunt (Brooks) Family all Friends & (    ) me Your Affectionate Son,
William Kirkman


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